Ministerul Protecţiei Sociale Familiei şi Copilului

Cu prilejul Zilei Internaţionale a Persoanelor cu Dizabilităţi - 3 decembrie, în anul curent, din resursele Fondului republican de susţinere socială a populaţiei au fost alocate 12,2 mln de lei pentru acordarea ajutorului material pentru 76049 mii de persoane cu dizabilităţi din ţară. Totodată, Fondurile locale de susţinere socială a populaţiei, care activează în fiecare raion al republicii, au suplimentat această sumă cu alte 2,2 mln lei.


  • Anderson 10.06.2012

    I am glad to see an information praoessifnol respond to your podcast. The perspective of librarians is often lacking from your show. I think what would be fascinating would to be host a debate between Thomas Mann (of the LOC) and Michele Frisque (of Northwestern University).I too am sympathetic to the outsourcing of college e-mail. But I think you are overlooking a whole lot of issues and concerns related to this topic. Consider the following questions, for instance: How will schools maintain compliance with FERPA regulations if e-mails are not stored on their servers? If somebody violates the FERPA rights of a student, do the lawyers serve the subpoena to the school or to Google/Microsoft?I like your continuing discussion of simplified methods for learning programming. Have you checked to see if there is a literature for teaching and learning in computer science? I know that some computer science professors have designed classes for non-majors. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from their approach.

  • yocgra 11.06.2012

    XsAD2Z odephttbwvqp

  • ldqpsb 13.06.2012

    o4gIS0 ahvdgdknwwiq

  • engymsx 13.06.2012

    u1qw1F , [url=]richhvtrfpgn[/url], [link=]qizdcxtoqxxr[/link],
