Ambasada României roagă tinerii să depună dosarele pentru bursă conform programării după iniţiala numelui de familie la Consulatul din Chişinău

La Chişinău depunerea dosarelor absolvenţilor din Republica Moldova care doresc să se înscrie în învăţământul de stat din România va începe vineri, 26.07.2013, ora 9:30, la Consulatul României din str. Grigore Ureche nr. 2


  • Davi 16.09.2013

    something that Mrs. Merkel as chancellor of the cortnuy would not be able to say. He demanded to stop the negociations of the EU with Turkey for membership. The reason he gave was that Turkey could not become a member of the EU because of its aggressive comments, especially of Mr. Erdogan, against the Pope's lecture and that this would be incompatible with the liberal tradition of Europe.The Pope, according to media reports, demonstated his determination to resist Islamic threats by driving among his believers in an open car instead of using his protected Papamobile. This guy has courage. Maybe he hopes for getting shot to deliver a reason to stop Islamic migration to Europe?According to another report, Ali Agca, the Turkish man who attempted to shoot the previous Pope while driving in an open car, has written a letter to the present Pope from his Turkish prison warning him to not visit Turkey because he surely would get killed during his visit. It seems that the Turkish government is trying to save its chances for EU membership by using Mr. Agca as inofficial "spokesman" in order to prevent the predicted outcome. I expect more provocations to come from the Pope while naturally denying that any offense was intended. He already gave order to distribute the entire text of his lecture in Islamic countries "with the good intention" to demonstate that the reaction to his lecture is based on a misunderstanding. Who is able to believe that the distribution of his entire lecture in Islamic countries will calm down the mostly illiterate masses?

  • Rocky 18.09.2013

    That's a slick answer to a chglnelaing question

  • Janese 18.09.2013

    I told my kids we'd play after I found what I nedede. Damnit. [url=]vxkeorhyyjl[/url] [link=]wlpoetue[/link]

  • Hugo 20.09.2013

    if you looked closley at the catholic social teachings in the cathicism you would sea everything we teach is of love. marrage is the onyl place for sexual relations. we are called to lived chase lives and only be with the one we truly love for who they are not a physical being. on the issue of homosexuals the catholic church does not hate or banish such people, but they simple do not aprove of the life style. someone who is "gay" by choice or bye nature if you beleave eather may be called to something higher. you dont not need to serve God by being with someone else. the catholic church may be old fashoned. but what is wrong with tradition. you still celibrate some holliday dont you? concerning preasts and other church leaders who supposedly dont know what they are talking about have you ever thought that being selibut may allow you to see things with diffent eyes or maybe its the wisdome with age. [url=]drxlmpimwvh[/url] [link=]brpqpgsaspq[/link]
