Ministerul Finanţelor asigură transparenţa în procesul de repartizare a mijloacelor băneşti pentru ajutorarea sinistraţilor

Ministerul Finanţelor a lansat banerul „Inundaţii 2010" pe site-ul, unde puteţi găsi informaţia completă privind sumele mijloacelor financiare donate de către cetăţeni şi agenţi economici pentru ajutorarea sinistraţilor. Pe lângă încasările la zi, pe site-ul puteţi găsi informaţii cu privire la sumele acumulate de la demararea campaniei de ajutorare a sinistraţilor, cheltuielile care se efectuează din aceste mijloace, precum şi soldul disponibil.


  • Mourad 15.09.2013

    that this was premature besuace these countries are not yet ready for the EU. Hence why this unnecessary speed? Turkey's lever for forcing its way into the EU appears to be a new oil pipeline crossing its territory. An alternative pipeline is being built in Rumania and Bulgaria. The Rumanian-Bulgarian oil pipeline and the EU membership of their countries is likely to terminate the Turkish chances of blackmailing the EU. (3) The Pope is not so naive, as many commentators in the Mainstream Media claim, to not expect Islamic riots against Christians when citing the offensive statements of the Byzantine Emperor. It was easy to predict what would happen following his lecture after having witness the events following the Danish cartoon crisis. My interpretation is that he and Mrs. Merkel wanted to provoke a strong reaction in the Islamic world including Turkey in order to have a good reason for demanding higher standards and counter-measure in the EU. The same probably holds for the Catholic values of the EU. It is a provocation for the Islamic party of Erdogan. His own followers already accused Erdogan - even before the Pope gave his famous lecture - of selling out Turkey to the EU. My prediction is that the Pope and Mrs. Merkel will constantly increase the difficulties for Turkey to become member of the EU while claiming that no offense was intended. Turkish politicians understand quite well what kind of game is being played. That's why they insist that there is no problem for the Pope to visit Turkey. Another major player is the Turkish military. Their dominance of the Turkish state if Turkey becomes a member of the EU. The Turkish military seems to already have chosen another leader, a hardliner, more likely to boycott the EU membership by suppressing the Kurds. Stay tuned to watch the finesse of the game between the Turkish military and Mr. Erdogan on one side and the Pope and Mrs. Merkel on the other side. Many male politicians in Germany (including Mr. Schroeder of the social democratic party, Mr. Kohl, her boss and the ruler of her party, and her competitors for power within the party) had to discover to their amazement that they were unable to cope with the intelligence and strategic ability of this woman.

  • Elif 16.09.2013

    Aloha Alyssa,My son John called me last eennivg here in Olympia WA to give me your web address.When I started scrolling down and saw Grandma's babies I couldn't believe it! Oh you did a Beautiful job capturing the beauty of my family!My son and his lovely and beautiful wife Kalei are wonderful parents and you can truly see the Blessings of their love, in their 3 handsome sons.Bless you and Mahalo,Margaret Allen.

  • Gloriane 18.09.2013

    Caillng all cars, calling all cars, we're ready to make a deal.

  • Cheyenne 18.09.2013

    No more s***. All posts of this quatliy from now on [url=]ipfauctf[/url] [link=]eorkbufjvul[/link]

  • Bocah 20.09.2013

    What you re seeing here is notnihg like what happened in Egypt or Libya, where pro-democracy advocates tried to overthrow dictators, but ended up with Islamists. Here the protests are aiming to put a stop to an Islamist state in-the-making, if Erdogan, who is already in power, has his way. Turkey is known for being a secular democracy, although the burden of Islam makes the society far from free. But at least it was heading in the right direction—until Erdogan was elected in 2002. Those you see here are most likely the young who've learned lots about freedom from the Internet, and those older secular Turks who want to stop Erdogan—perhaps they've lived in Europe or America and have tasted freedom Where are all the headscarved women? Nowhere in sight, apparently. That's telling. Erdogan's vision for Turkey suits them just fine, thanks. [url=]bmtlgnir[/url] [link=]bleksuacqc[/link]
