Violenţa în familie - o crimă împotriva persoanei şi societăţii

19 februarie, Chişinău - „Dezvoltarea unui sistem informaţional integrat referitor la cazurile de violenţă în familie ca parte a unei abordări integrate a managementului violenţei în familie în Republica Moldova", proiect iniţiat de UNFPA (Fondul ONU pentru Populaţie) în parteneriat cu Ministerul Protecţiei Sociale, Familiei şi Copilului din R. Moldova, a beneficiat de o evaluare publică în cadrul căreia au fost făcute o serie de constatări îngrijorătoare, dar şi prezentate recomandări de îmbunătăţire a situaţiei privind violenţa domestică în Republica Moldova.


  • cristina 21.11.2010

    mda...mau ajutat ft mult site-ul acesta

  • Kamal 23.10.2012

    To AdSense Payments Team : I have question , what is the perrcduoe of adding few countries every few month? why it is not opened one time to all publisher around the world. what is the idea to add few counties every month? It is some system upgrade problems or some special calculation made , or just give something new every few months like a computer market?I think printing checks and put it into Envelopes and close it and print the names and address on it take longer time and need hard work for thousands of publishers around the world.What I believe is google made life easier and faster with many services and they can see my house from the moon . and on the main time they still fix the western Union payment every 4 months for few counties.Anyway when the western union is available what I will miss is Adsense Payment team touch on that envelopes where they are using a nice perfume :)Anyway I Love You All Adsense :) Keep going

  • yyxpcos 23.10.2012

    20jMFO vxnkfoexzffy

  • kvdedmpbocb 24.10.2012

    kaXRCn , [url=]cjdynuoyzyvo[/url], [link=]tkeucrxwqsfv[/link],

  • jpjydlhd 25.10.2012

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