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Granturi si burse

Zeci de burse in diverse domenii, in toata lumea!

Va prezentam zeci de burse, culese de membrii grupului Romstudyabroad, din cele mai diverse domenii, de la economie la dans, pentru toate nivelurile academice, in SUA, Europa si Asia. Majoritatea au termenele-limita foarte apropiate, nu stati pe ganduri!

Master of Arts in Peace Studies University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USAFinaid: scholarships and stipends availableDate: two-year programDeadline: January 5, 2008 Website:,us,sch


Marie Curie FellowshipsUniversity College London, United KingdomFinaid: Financial support availableDate: twelve month and a six month attachment beginning in September 2008.Deadline: January 15th 2008Opento: PhD students Website:,eu,sch


2008 Eiffel Scholarship Programme for Master and PhD Paris, FranceFinaid: availableDate: one yearDeadline: 11 January 2008Opento: studentsWebsite:,eu,sch


CfA: Doctoral studentships - Conflict in cities and the contested st

Six doctoral studentships, starting September 2008, are on offer as part ofan ESRC Large Grant: Conflict in cities and the contested state:Everyday life and the possibilities for transformation in Belfast,Jerusalem and Other Divided Cities.

Overseas, EU and UK students, with or without a Masters degree, areall eligible to apply.

The project focuses on divided cities as key sites in territorial conflictsover state and national identities. It analyses how everyday life in dividedcities in Europe and the Middle East have been shaped by such conflicts;and conversely, how the cities can potentially transform these conflicts.The empirical focus of the studentships will not be on Belfast orJerusalem but on other similarly divided cities, such as Brussels, Mostar,Nicosia, Beirut or Kirkuk.

The Conflict in Cities Graduate Programme is based in the three projectuniversities, with two studentships in each: Cambridge (Architecture,Urbanism) directed by Dr. Wendy Pullan, Exeter (Politics andInternational Relations) directed by Prof. Mick Dumper, and Queen'sBelfast (Sociology) directed by Prof. Liam O'Dowd. Applicants fromrelated disciplines, such as Human Geography and Urban Studies, will beconsidered.

Students will have the benefits of being part of a large, multi-disciplinaryproject. Their programme includes Graduate Workshops, visits to Belfastand Jerusalem, meetings with local experts and assistance from projectpartners in the relevant cities. Students can also attend annual ProjectWorkshops and an International Conference in September 2011.

Deadline for Applications: 15 January 2008.

For further details, see the project website: www.conflictincities.orgEnquiries to: Professor Michael Dumper c/o mary.d.carter@ ukCONFLICT IN CITIES AND THE CONTESTED STATEw w w . c o n f l i c t i n c i t i e s . o r g

(preluare balkans)


CfA: Postdoc poli-sci Central Asia, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Berlin

The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (StiftungWissenschaft und Politik) in Berlin is offering a post-doctoralfellowship funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for a period of 2years for research on the following topic:

Resources and political order in Central Asia: Historicalfoundations, contemporary challenges and prospects for development.

We are looking for post-doctoral* historians with a relevant regional specialization* social scientists with a good knowledge of economics* economists with a focus on political economy* development or transition economists with knowledge of the post-Soviet space

The successful candidate will already possess expertise on CentralAsia, and research experience in the region would be desirable. Agood working knowledge of German is essential, and knowledge of Russianwould be a significant asset. The candidate should be willing to workin Berlin.

Applications should include a CV, academic transcripts and diplomas,names and addresses of 2 scientific references, and a project exposéof max. 5 pages. Please send your application to:

Dr. Andrea SchmitzForschungsgruppe Russland / GUSStiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlinandrea.schmitz@ swp-berlin. org

(preluare e-nass)


BURSE: ISP- Programul International de Studii - Germania

In fiecare an, Guvernul german, prin Ministerul Federal al Familiei,Cetatenilor, Femeilor si Tinerilor, ofera 20-22 de burse lucratorilor indomeniul tineretului, protectiei copilului si asistentei sociale dintarile europene. Scopul programului este de a oferi posibilitatea acestorade a participa la un program de studiu de aproape 2 luni in Germania.

La program pot participa persoane salariate sau voluntari care desfasoarao activitate socio-pedagogica in domeniul protectiei copilului, alasistentei sociale si al reabilitarii. Programul include seminarii pediferite teme, vizite la institutii sociale de interes si activitatipractice in diferite orase din Germania.Candidatii trebuie sa aiba varsta intre 25 si 45 de ani si cunostinteaprofundate de limba germana.Inscrierile se fac in lunile ianuarie - februarie.

Informatii suplimentare despre program, conditii de inscriere se gasesc laadresa de mai jos:

Formularul de inscriere poate fi descarcat de la:

(preluare eurodesk_info)


CfA: Five college women research assistantships, MA

A collaborative project of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for2008-2009 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the educationalsystem, as well as from artists, community organizers and politicalactivists, both local and international.

Associates are provided with offices in our spacious facility, library privileges, and the collegiality of a diverse community of feminists. Research Associate applications are accepted for either a semester or the academic year.

The Center supports projects in all disciplines so long as they focuscentrally on women or gender. Regular Research Associateships arenon-stipendiary. We accept about 15-18 Research Associates per year.

Applicants should submit a project proposal (up to 4 pages), curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, and application cover sheet. Submit all applications to: Five College Women€ Śďż"s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075-6406.

Deadline is February 11, 2008.

For further information, contact the Center at TEL 413.538.2275, FAX413.538.3121, email, website: sites/fcwsrc


CfA: Scholarships, The College of St. Catherine

Our vision is to be the world's pre-eminent Catholic college educating women to lead and influence.

Our highlightsa.. Scholarships on-campus employment available for female international students.b.. Acclaimed for excellent programs in health science, pure science,communication and business.c.. The largest Catholic university for women in the United States, with students from approximately 30 countries.d.. Ranked in U.S. News and World Report's.e.. Top Midwestern Universities from 2000 to the present.f.. First Catholic university in the United Statesg.. International graduates have found jobs with The World Bank, United Nations, Cargill, Target and embassies worldwide.h.. Safe and beautiful campus in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul metropolitan area.i.. Students from all religions, traditions and backgrounds are welcome at St. Catherine's.j.. To be awarded a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, the prestigious national honor societyFor more information, please contact:

The Office of International AdmissionThe College of St. Catherine2004 Randolph AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105 U.S.A.PHONE: 1-651-690-6029FAX: 1-651-690-8824E-mail: international@ stkate.eduWeb site: www.stkate.eduUnited States of America


CfA: Mid-career Loeb Fellowship  Overview

The Fellowship is a unique opportunity to nurture the leadership potential of the most promising men and women in design and other professions related to the built and natural environment. It enhances the excellence of the GSD by exposing students to some of the most exciting midcareer professionals in their fields. John Loeb realized this potential when he endowed the Loeb Fellowship to fill a special place in American education: one that would greatly increase the practical effectiveness of the design professions. Nowentering its fourth decade, with over 300 alumni, the Fellowship has made substantial progress toward that goal.

The Loeb Fellowship was established in 1970 through the generosity of the late John L. Loeb, Harvard College '24. Based at the Graduate School of Design, the program offers ten annual postprofessional awards for independent study at Harvard. Through the Fellowship, participants have access to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Design, the Graduate School of Education, Harvard Business School, Harvard College, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard Law School, the Kennedy School ofGovernment, and M.I.T.

Who Should Apply

Loeb Fellows are accomplished, mid-career professionals who have beenengaged in their field for a minimum of five years, have compiled a record of exemplary work, and have been identified as leaders by their peers. Most applicants have expertise in the disciplines in which the Design School grants degrees - architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and urban design. Others come from related fields such as journalism, fine arts, nonprofit administration, and public service. Good candidates typicallyshare a passion for improving the quality of the built and naturalenvironment, and a commitment to improving their own skills in pursuit of that goal. Ideal applicants demonstrate a proven ability to create their own program of work or study and carry it through to completion.

Since the central focus and goal of the Fellowship is to improve theenvironment of cities and natural areas in the United States, mostapplicants are from this country. However, it is clear that the program's goal cannot be accomplished without reference to work being done in other parts of the world. Therefore, the Fellowship welcomes applications from qualified international practitioners. Diversity is a very important consideration for the Fellowship on many levels. Applications are encouraged from men and women, people of color, and those with both typical and atypical career paths.

The Fellowship is intended to serve practitioners, not to be an academic sabbatical. Applications from full-time academics are not encouraged. However, candidates whose work is divided between teaching and practice, and for whom this program will reinforce their work as practitioners, are welcome to apply.

Nomination Information

Nomination is not a requirement for application, however many excellent candidates learn about the Fellowship opportunity through the nomination process.

Please use this nomination form to introduce promising candidates to the Fellowship.

Either email the form directly to the Fellowship or download the form, fill it out and fax or mail to the Fellowship office.Once the Fellowship office receives the completed nomination form,application materials will be forwarded to the prospective candidate.The nomination process is anonymous. The Fellowship does not indicate the name of the nominator in the letter sent to the prospective applicant, however nominators are encouraged to contact the nominee and talk with them about the fellowship opportunity.

Application Information

Application forms, letters of recommendation, and supplemental materials are due January 3, 2008 for a Fellowship beginning in September 2008. Instructions for how to complete the application are included on the application form. If you have any questions call Sally Young at617.495.9345.

For the application forms, details on the application process, and more information about this program please go tohttp://www.gsd. professional/ loeb_fellowship/

For additional information, please contact:Loeb FellowshipHarvard University Graduate School of Design48 Quincy Street room 420Cambridge, MA 02138617-495-9345e-mail : loeb_fellowship@ gsd.harvard. edu

cross-posting [study-x]


CfA: Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

Fellowships at the Smithsonian Institution provide students and scholars with opportunities to pursue independent research projects in association with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff.

Graduate Student FellowshipsThese fellowships allow students to conduct research for ten-week periods in association with Smithsonian research staff members. Applicants must be formally enrolled in a graduate program of study, must have completed at least one semester, and must not yet have been advanced to candidacy in a doctoral program. Stipend $5,500

Predoctoral FellowshipsThese fellowships allow students to conduct research for periods of three to twelve months. Applicants must have completed coursework and preliminary examinations for the doctoral degree, and must be engaged in dissertation research. In addition, candidates must have the approval of their universities to conduct their doctoral research at the Smithsonian. Stipend $25,000 per year

Postdoctoral and Senior FellowshipsPostdoctoral Fellowships of three to twelve months are available forscholars who have held the doctoral degree or equivalent for fewer than seven years as of the application deadline. Senior Fellowships of three to twelve months are available for scholars who have held the doctoral degree or equivalent for more than seven years as of the application deadline. Applications for senior fellowships may be made up to eighteen months in advance. Stipends for senior fellowships are the same as for the postdoctoral program, but the Smithsonian' s stipend may be matched by other sources of funding such as a sabbatical salary.Stipend $40,000 per yearEarth and Planetary Sciences $45,000 per year

Other Fellowships include- Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections Program- Latino Studies Fellowship Program- Molecular Evolution Fellowships

DeadlineJanuary 15th (postmark) for awards to begin on or after June 1st

A complete list of Smithsonians fellowships is available at edu/ofg/fell. htm

ContactOffice of Research Training and ServicesSmithsonian Institution470 L'Enfant Plaza SW Suite 7102MRC 902 P.O. Box 37012Washington, D.C. 20013-7012Phone: 202-633-7070Email: siofg@si.edu edu/research+ study

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CfA: Michigan Grotius Fellowships, Advanced Legal Studies at Univers

Advanced Legal Studies at University of Michigan Law School

The University of Michigan Law School in Ann Arbor is one of the world's finest institutions of legal education. Located on the University of Michigan's Central Campus, in the beautiful William W. Cook Law Quadrangle, the Law School is home to a faculty widely recognized as among the nation's best, and to over 20,400 alumni worldwide, who hold prestigious positions in the public, private, and academic sectors in the United States and abroad and speak eloquently to the strength of the School.

Michigan Grotius Fellowships and Other Financial Support

Applicants to the graduate programs at the University of Michigan Law School are welcome to apply for Michigan Grotius Fellowships to assist in financing their graduate studies. Applying for financial aid, including Grotius Fellowships, does not affect a candidate's admissions decision, as all financial awards are determined only after admissions decisions have been made.

In making its selections, the Fellowship Committee evaluates an applicant's commitment to academic excellence, seriousness and depth of purpose and promise of professional success. It takes a particular interest in an applicant's pursuit of a career in academia or public service. In a typical year, between 30 and 40 percent of graduate students attending the University of Michigan Law School have been selected as Grotius Fellows.

Grotius Fellows are free to pursue their chosen program of graduate legal study and are not subject to any additional academic requirements. Past recipients of Michigan Grotius Fellowships have become leaders of the legal profession in their respective home countries as well as in the international community € Śďż" serving on the highest courts of their countries, on international courts, and in prominent positions in government, international organizations, and academic institutions around the world.

Financial aid recipients are selected among all admitted students who have requested assistance. Michigan Grotius Fellowships are awarded based on a combination of the student's financial need and his or her academic and professional background. Students wishing to apply for a Michigan Grotius Fellowship must complete the financial information in the application form.

Due to the many outstanding applications we receive, the demand forfinancial aid always exceeds available funds. Applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to also seek funding elsewhere from a variety of public and private sources, and to contact their home governments and employers, as well as the U.S. Embassy or Consulate, to seek advice and sponsorship for study abroad. Employment during the academic year is strongly discouraged.

Source: prospectivestude nts/graduate/

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CfA: Scholarships at Grinnell College

Why Grinnell?

You'll find rigorous academics, small classes, individual attention, and a close-knit community at many nationally ranked small liberal arts colleges.

So, what makes Grinnell special?

a.. Grinnell students are mature, responsible people who want to learn. The curriculum is rigorous, and its structure reflects that, in the end, each student is responsible for making the most of what the College offers.b.. Individually advised curriculum; only a handful of colleges in the country give you the freedom to design your own academic program.c.. Self-Governance; the system that enables students to provide input and make changes in almost every area of college life. This also means that no student is assigned the duty of policing other residents. Students are responsible for structuring their lives according to the tastes and desires of the campus community.d.. Resources; Grinnell professors have had great success obtainingexternal funding for valuable academic programs and research. For example, the science faculty recently earned competitive grants from the National Science Foundation for an automated DNA sequencer in the biology labs. Plus, the $1 .4 billion endowment ( 7 th largest per student among all public and private U.S. colleges and universities, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2006) allows seniors to conduct research through the Mentored Advanced Projects (MAPs).e.. What else will the large endowment get you? Technology; there are over 200 computers available for student use and most of them are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.f.. Grinnell is one of the few remaining colleges that has a need-blind admission policy and offers generous financial aid to all admitted U.S. students.g.. Clean air, no traffic, a great view of the stars, and virtually no crime; there aren't too many places in the world that can offer that. h.. Fiske's Guide to Colleges did not say this about any other college: "Grinnell is a powerhouse on the national scene. Ever progressive, it was the first college west of the Mississippi to admit African Americans and women, and the first in the country to establish an undergraduate department of political science. It was once a stop on the Underground Railroad, and its graduates include Harry Hopkins, architect of the New Deal, and Robert Noyce, inventor of the integrated circuit, two people who did as much as anyone to change the face of American society in the 20th century."i.. Grinnell College welcomes students from all over the globe, and from a wide spectrum of faiths, ethnicities, and world views.

Scholarships for International Students

Grinnell College has had a long history of providing financial assistance to international students (students not holding a U.S. passport or U.S. permanent residency card). In recent years the College has reconfirmed its commitment to providing affordable education to students around the world by offering additional scholarship opportunities to new international students.Grinnell College endorses the philosophy that all students, regardless of their financial ability, should be able to pursue their studies at Grinnell if admitted. A full range of financial aid opportunities is available to international students. Admission to Grinnell is highly selective and the competition for financial aid is more competitive the greater the applicant's demonstrated financial need. The best students, who also maintain an active co-curricular involvement (sports, community service, music, theater, debate, student government, etc.), will be admittedregardless of financial circumstances.

1) Grants: Admitted international students who demonstrate financial need are eligible for financial assistance. Financial need is assessed by the Office of Student Financial Aid based on the information you and your family accurately and truthfully submit on the Student Application for Financial Aid.

2) International Merit Scholarships: Annually, a few admitted international applicants, who demonstrate exceptional scholastic abilities and leadership skills, are awarded Merit Scholarships. An applicant does not need to apply for financial aid or demonstrate financial need to be eligible for Merit Scholarships. Scholarship amounts vary. No additional applications, forms or essays are required to be eligible for Merit Scholarships.

3) Special Scholarships: Grinnell offers a limited number of extremely competitive comprehensive scholarships that will pay for the costs associated with attending Grinnell College (comprehensive fee of tuition, room, board, and fees, plus costs to cover insurance, books, and miscellaneous expenses) that the student and the student's family are unable to cover. These scholarships are reserved for students who are either a citizen of a country listed below, or a citizen of a country in the regionslisted below:a.. Africab.. Eastern and Central Europe (including those regions of the formerSoviet Union)c.. Latin Americad.. Middle East and Asiae.. Nepalf.. People's Republic of ChinaRegardless of citizenship:a.. Native Speaker of Russian (available every other year, will be offered again for 2009) All of the above scholarships are renewable for three additional years of the student's studies at Grinnell College.

All applicants applying for financial aid must complete the International Student Application for Financial Aid which is sent with the Grinnell College Application for Admission or the Foreign Student Financial Aid Application form printed by the College Board. There are no additional forms required to complete for any of the three categories of financial aid listed above. The Admission Committee will automatically consider you for the scholarship if you are eligible.

Employent: On campus employment is available to students. Under the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) regulations, international students are permitted to work on campus (not to exceed more than 20 hours a week). During the academic year, a student can earn approximately $2,000 by working an average of 10 hours a week. We discourage students from working more than 10 hours a week because of the demanding course load at Grinnell College. Off campus employment is more difficult to obtain for international students due to immigration regulations restricting employment for non-US citizens.

Loans: The College does offer some loans to international students. However, to be eligible for a loan, the College requires the student have a U.S. citizen as the co-signer who lives in the United States. A co-signer is someone who is willing to sign the loan agreement with you and is promising that, in the event you are unable or unwilling to pay the balance of the loan, the co-signer will be responsible for paying the loan. The maximum loan for each year is $4,000.

More at http://www.grinnell .edu/

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CfA: PhD Programme of the European University Institute in Florence

CfA: PhD Programme of the European University Institute in Florence(Successful candidates are offered funding for up to four years)

The Department of Social and Political Sciences of the EuropeanUniversity Institute invites applications for its PhD Programme. TheDepartment specializes in comparative politics, comparative sociology,international relations, political behaviour and social and politicaltheory, and was recently listed as the top-ranking political sciencedepartment in Europe. The department has good working relations inteaching and research with the

departments of Law, History andEconomics and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, and isat the centre of extensive international networks. It hosts a numberof large, collaborative projects financed by the European CommissionFramework programmes or other external sources. The main workinglanguage is English, although theses can be written in the otherprincipal languages of the European Union. The European UniversityInstitute is one of the world's leading academic institutions forpostgraduate study in the political and social sciences. Located inthe hills overlooking Florence, it is distinguished by its uniqueinternational nature and strong European focus. It was founded in 1972by the European Community Member States to provide advanced academictraining to PhD students and to promote research at the highest level.The department currently has fifteen full-time professors, from allparts of Europe, whose interests range across a number of themes.


For more information on the PhD programme (PhD Research and Training;Faculty; Scholarships) , see:http://groups. group/romstudyab road/files/ Fisiere Aplica tii/Filename: "EUI PhD Programme"


BURSE: Universitatea Humboldt din Berlin [DL: 31 ian]

Universitatea Humboldt din Berlin ofera prin Fundatia 'Memorie siviitor', pentru anul de studiu 2007/2008, un numar de 30 de burse (BerlinScholarships) , in diverse domenii.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 31 ianuarie 2008

Informatii detaliate:http://www.aia. hu-berlin. de/int-en/ evz-en/index_ html-en?set_ language= en&cl=en

(preluare eurodesk_info)


CfA: 2009-11 Rotary World Peace Fellowships

Applications available for 2009-11 Rotary World Peace Fellowships

The Rotary Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2009-11 RotaryWorld Peace Fellowship. Pursue a master's degree in international studies,sustainable development, peace, and conflict resolution at one of the sixRotary Center at: University of California, Berkeley; Duke University;University of North Carolina; University of Bradford; InternationalChristian University; University of Queensland; Universidad DelSalvador. Applicants must be committed to peace and have a minimum ofthree years professional experience, be proficient in a second language andhave demonstrated a commitment to world peace and conflict resolution. Formore information and to apply, visit or email Laura Tell,laura.tell@rotary. org.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Espen MalmbergFellowships SupervisorRotary Centers

------------ --------- --------- ---The Rotary Foundation1560 Sherman AveEvanston, IL 60201USA

Tel: +1 847 866 3329Fax: +1 847 556

(preluare balkans)


CfA: European Commission Internship for Roma graduates

The European Commission in cooperation with the Open SocietyInstitute, Roma Participation Program, is announcing the 2008 Call forapplications for the EC internships for young Roma universitygraduates from all new member states (excluding Cyprus and Malta),Croatia, F.Y.R.O.M., Montenegro, Serbia including Kosovo. Theinternship program will run for 5 months starting with the1st March,2008. Please pay attention to the list of all obligatory requireddocuments. The deadline for submitting the applications is the January7, 2008. You can request the application form and the CV templatehere: Minimum required education: Diploma de LICENTA.

Full announcement with more information here:http://groups. group/romstudyab road/files/ Fisiere Aplica tii/filename: EC internships for Roma graduates

(preluare balkans)


Programul de burse danceWEB Europe 2008 [DL: 10 ian] Posted by: "Romstudyabroad Moderator"   romstudyabroad_moderator Mon Dec 3, 2007 7:40 pm (PST) danceWeb este o scoala de vara de 5 saptamani ce are loc in fiecare an inViena, din iulie si pana in august, in cadrul Festivalului Internationalde Dans ImPulsTanz Viena. Programul de burse ofera unui numar de 50 detineri dansatori si coregrafi profesioniti din tari europene sinon-europene, posibilitatea de a participa la un program multinational deformare intensiva.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 10 ianuarie 2008

Informatii suplimentare:http://www.danceweb

(preluare eurodesk_info)


CfA: European Legal Studies Program at University of Michigan Law Sc  European Legal Studies Program at University of Michigan Law School

Opportunities for Scholars from Europe at Michigan

Enhancing its intellectual climate, and providing a welcome forum foracademic engagement to scholars and officials from Europe, the Law School hosts numerous senior European faculty level visitors each year. These senior faculty level visitors typically join the School to teach a full course, to pursue a research project, or to participate in existing course offerings and informal workshops. Having come to Ann Arbor once, they frequently return.

In addition, the Law School hosts several scholars each year through a variety of programs which are open to European applicants on a competitive basis. Although funding is provided on a competitive basis through a variety of programs described below, many scholars come to Ann Arbor with their own resources to avail themselves of the School's supportive international and interdisciplinary intellectual environment, the plethora of visiting scholars, researchers, and practitioners, and our outstanding libraryfacilities. European scholars interested in applying to these programs (other than degree candidates) are encouraged to contact Dean Virginia Gordan prior to their application:

a.. Grotius Fellows (Faculty Level)Each year, the Law School invites several outstanding internationalfaculty, including faculty from Europe, to join the community for stays of varying lengths to complete scholarly projects. Funding is available on a competitive basis.

b.. Jean Monnet Research Fellows (Faculty Level)In addition to the more general Grotius fellowship for law faculty, the Law School has conducted an annual competition for the Michigan Law School Jean Monnet Research Fellowship, a dedicated award to one or two junior professors of law or related disciplines for a stay of up to six months to pursue completion of a scholarly project on European integration.

c.. Grotius Fellows (LL.M., Doctoral, & Post-Doctoral)European post-doctoral scholars intending to pursue research at Michigan; European doctoral students seeking to conduct research toward their dissertation at the Law School; or students seeking admission to our LLM or S.J.D. Program may apply for funding through the Grotius program on a competitive basis. All degree candidates must apply for such funding as part of their application for admission. Others may contact Dean Virginia Gordan for further information. Regardless of funding, our highly selective LL.M.and S.J.D. programs fully integrates these students, along with doctoral and post-doctoral research scholars, with the general J.D. student body. (Awards for J.D. students from Europe are made through the J.D. Admissions office as part of the admissions decision.)

d.. Fulbright ScholarsEach year the Law School hosts several Fulbright scholars, who come to the Law School as research scholars or students. If you are a European scholar or student seeking to participate in this program, please contact Dean Virginia Gordan who will assist you in contacting a potential faculty sponsor.

e.. Student Exchange ProgramsThe Law School also has a variety of specific exchange agreements with select European Universities, such as the European University Institute in Florence, bringing a small number of exceptional students and scholars from Europe to Ann Arbor each year. Please contact your home institution for further information about these programs.

Source: centersandprogra ms/europeanlaw/ Pages/default. aspx


CfA: Undergraduate Scholarships at Amherst College, Amherst, Massach

Undergraduate Scholarships at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts

Founded in 1821 for "the education of indigent young men of piety andtalents," Amherst College is now widely regarded as the premier liberal arts college in the nation, enrolling a diverse group of approximately 1,600 young men and women. Well known for its academic excellence, Amherst is also consistently ranked among the very best schools in the country in terms of accessibility: The college's financial aid packages are consistently the most generous in the U.S., and among its peer universities and colleges Amherst has the greatest economic diversity. Diversity, in its broadest sense, is fundamental to Amherst's mission. The college enrolls studentsfrom every state and more than 40 countries, and for the past several years more than 35 percent of Amherst's students have been students of color. Amherst offers the B.A. degree in 33 fields of study.

Amherst offers generous scholarships. Last year, Amherst provided more than $23 million in scholarship aid to about half of the student body. The average scholarship package was $31,393. The College's financial aid program is regularly cited in U.S. News & World Report, Kiplinger's, Money magazine and other media as one of the country's best.

To find out more, visit the financial aid office website at:http://www.amherst. edu/~finaid/


CfA: Scholarships to Bates College, Maine  Why Bates?

Rated among the best liberal arts colleges in the nation, Bates' curriculum and faculty challenge students to develop powers of critical assessment, analysis, expression, aesthetic sensibility, and independent thought. Our 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio puts students in direct contact with Bates' extraordinary faculty. In fact, you can start right off in a First-Year Seminar, with just 14 other students and a professor.

Bates has a long tradition of educating students from abroad as well as those from the United States. Currently we have enrolled students from more than 70 different countries ranging from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe. With so many cultures present on campus, the International Community is both diverse and active.

International students also benefit from an international orientationsession, a specific adviser in the Dean of Students Office, and campus housing that is available during the summer and holliday periods.

Our most important offering, however, is nationally recognized strength of our academics. Bates is consistently ranked as one of the top liberal arts colleges in America, with world-class facilities in all areas of the sciences, and an outstanding reputation for departments such as Economics, Political Science, and Biology. You can find our course catalogue online athttp://www.bates. edu/catalog/

Making College Costs Affordable: Need-Based Financial Aid

The College expets students and their families to contribute as much as possible toward the Comprehensive Fee, which covers tuition, room, board, and various other charges. The Comprehensive Fee for 2006-2007 is $44,350, subject to adjustment in accordance with changing operational costs. Estimated additional expenses total $2,050 for books, supplies, laundry, and incidentals.

The College provides need-based financial assistance for all of itsstudents, including non-U.S. citizens who cannot fully meet the cost of the tuition. Merit and athletic-based scholarships are not offered. Financial aid awards are made on the basics of documented need, and are available only for students who decide to enroll at Bates. There is no particular amount of aid that is offered since each family`s circumstance is unique. The College pledges to meet demonstrated need in full for the duration of the student`senrollment. Since Bayes makes this commitment to provide financialassistance, the competition to be admitted is very intense.

A typical international financial aid package includes three parts: a Bates grant (which does not need to be repaid to the College]), a campus job that involves working up to 15 hours per week, and an annual contribution, usually earned through summer employment.

In 2006-2007 the average financial aid award for international students was $36,750. Each year international students at Bates receive financial aid packages that meet the full need of their families, totaling approximately $2 million.

Further information about Bates is available on the internet athttp://www.bates. edu/ In the Admission section, you will find a direct link to the Bates international sites, as well as a link to common application, supplement and financial aid forms.

Kristin CrosbyAssociated Dean of International Admissionsadmissions@bates. edu


CfA: Scholarships to Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University is highly regarded nationally and internationally for the quality of its teaching and learning, research, and service to society. No matter what you're interested in, you'll find a top-notch program in our undergraduate curriculum.

Our faculty members are leaders in their fields. They care deeply about the subjects they study and the students they teach. During class or after, Washington University professors make a point of being approachable and accessible.

At our medium-sized University, you'll have the complete academic resources and extracurricular opportunities of a large university. You'll find all the support you need to explore and develop your interests.

This genuinely friendly place reflects our Midwestern location. You'll quickly see and feel this attitude among faculty and students alike. You'll find that people are really interested in getting to know you. Some say our combination of academic excellence and our supportive atmosphere is what makes us different.

Financial Assistance for International Students

Assistance Based on Achievement, Potential, and Need

Washington University provides financial assistance for freshman andtransfer international students. Financial assistance for qualified students is considered on a case-by-case basis. Although we do our best to provide competitive financial assistance packages, funding limitations prevent the University from providing financial support for all applicants who deserve it, nor is it always possible to meet every recipient's requirements. Financial assistance is renewable for each year of undergraduate study, as long as the student is making normal progress toward the degree and maintaining a good academic record. Finally, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations severely restrict the employment of international students. Student should not, therefore, count on funds from any possible employment to defray the costs of tuition and living expenses.

International students may submit either the CSS-PROFILE or the Washington University International Financial Aid Application. The Financial Aid Application is sent to all applicants for admission. Or, click here to complete the International Financial Aid Application online. The CSS-PROFILE is available on the Internet from the College Board at

Academic Scholarships and Fellowships for FreshmenWashington University recognizes outstanding achievement by awardingfreshman scholarships and fellowships in a variety of competitions and programs, many of which have no restrictions on citizenship. These extremely competitive awards are based solely on merit, regardless of family circumstances. Freshman applicants must complete both the application for admission and the scholarship application by January 15 to be considered. Only students who have not completed any university-level education are eligible to apply for these academic awards.

All applicants will receive further information regarding financialassistance. You will also want to consult an advising center in your country operated directly by, or in close cooperation with, the United States Information Service. These centers have books and files on sources of financial assistance for studying in the United States. Ask the United States Embassy or Consulate for the location of the nearest advising center.

More information about international admission and financial aid isavailable at

cross-posting [study-x]


Master's in Public Policy, Public AdministrationJohn F. Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity, USFinaid: scholarships and work-study funds are offered Date: 2007-2008 academic yearDeadline: 4 January 2008 Opento: see EligibilityWebsite:,us,sch

Gilman International Scholarship USFinaid: scholarships availableDate: 2008 fallDeadline: April 15, 2008 Opento: U.S. citizen undergraduates Website:,us,sch


Vlerick Leuven Gent MS Scholarship Leuven, BelgiumFinaid: scholarships availableDate: undefinedDeadline: 1 April 2008Opento: EU postgraduates in management, marketing orfinanceWebsite: http://www.eastchan asp?q=198, eu,sch

PhD studentship - Development of zinc oxide nanorodsfor all-inorganic nanostructured solar cellsCransfield University Silsoe, UKFinaid: a bursary of up to AŁ17,000 plus feesavailableDate: Three yearsDeadline: 31 January 2008Opento: UK and EU studentsWebsite: http://www.eastchan asp?q=199, eu,sch


Burse de cercetare 'New Europe College' 2008-2009 [DL: 15 ian]

New Europe College (NEC) anunta concursul anual pentru bursele decercetare NEC 2008-2009 pentru universitari/ cercetatori romani dindomeniile stiintelor umaniste, sociale si economice.

Conditii de participare:1. candidatul trebuie sa fie inscris la doctorat sau sa aiba titlul dedoctor;2. se va acorda prioritate candidatilor sub 40 ani;3. o foarte buna cunoastere a cel putin doua din limbile straine decirculatie internationala.Prin profilul sau, NEC pune accentul asupra dezbaterilor inter- sitrans-disciplinare. Se incurajeaza proiectele care permit aceastadeschidere, fara a pierde din rigoarea disciplinara.

Bursa se acorda pentru un an academic (10 luni).Programul bursierilor presupune prezenta obligatorie in Bucuresti celputin o data pe saptamana, timp de 9 luni. In intervalul de 10 luni,bursierii vor beneficia de un stagiu de cercetare intr-unul din marilecentre universitare/ de cercetare din strainatate. Valoarea bursei lunare(acordata pe durata a 9 luni) este echivalentul in RON a 600 EURO(neimpozabili) , la care se adauga 2.560 EURO pentru stagiul de cercetare.

Data limita pentru depunerea dosarului este: 15 ianuarie 2008

Informatii suplimentare: ro/fundatia/ nec/app_fell. htm

(preluare eurodesk_info)


CfA: Residential Fellowships, Koc University, Turkey

Koç University is accepting applications for junior and seniorresidential fellowships for the 2008-2009 academic year at itsResearch Center for Anatolian Civilizations in Istanbul. The deadlinefor applications is December 15, 2007. For an on-line application formand information about the residential fellowship program and the RCAC,please visit http://rcac.

Starting with the 2008-2009 academic year, Senior ResidentialFellowships at the RCAC will be available as usual for the full year,or for one of either of the two terms, fall or spring. The fall termruns from mid September to the end of January, and the spring termruns from the beginning of February to the middle of June.

(preluare balkans)


CfA: Bourses de stage professionnel 2008, AUF

Appels d'offres -- Bourses de stage professionnel 2008

IMPORTANT : Les bourses de stages professionnels de l'AUF s'adressentuniquement aux € Śétudiants des fili€ Śčres francophones soutenuesactuellement par l'AUF

Date limite : 15 février 2008

Objectifs : Les mobilit€ Śés de stage professionnel, r€ Śéserv€ Śées aux€ Śétudiants des Fili€ Śčres universitaires Francophones soutenues par l'AUFen Europe centrale et orientale, font d€ Śécouvrir le monde desentreprises et permettent l'acquisition d'aptitudes facilitantl'insertion professionnelle € Śŕ l'issue de leur formation. Elles visentle renforcement des comp€ Śétences utiles au d€ Śéveloppement, la promotionde l'insertion professionnelle dans la r€ Śégion d'origine, la promotionde l'acc€ Śčs des jeunes et des femmes aux responsabilit€ Śé s.

Date limite : 15 f€ Śévrier 2008Dur€ Śée : 1 € Śŕ 3 moisDossier de candidature :

* R€ Śčglement des bourses de stage professionnel<http://www.europe- centrale- orientale. pdf/BECO- 1036SP-2008- Reglement. pdf>* Formulaire de demande de bourse<http://www.europe- centrale- orientale. doc/BECO- 1036SP-2008- Formulaire. doc>* Convention de stage<http://www.europe- centrale- orientale. doc/BECO- 1036SP-2008- Convention. doc>(ce document est € Śŕ transmettre, par les boursiers retenus, apr€ Śčs lapublication des r€ Śésultats)

Contact :Madame Mihaela BABUTSecr€ Śétaire de programmes Mobilit€ Śés et Fili€ ŚčresAgence universitaire de la FrancophonieBureau Europe Centrale et Orientale1, Schitu Magureanu050025 Bucarest - ROUMANIET€ Śél : +40 21 31 21 276Tpie : +40 21 31 21 666courriel : <http://www.europe- centrale- orientale. php3?mail= zvunryn.onohg@>

(preluare MOLDOVADoc)


CfA: Postgraduate Studentships 2008 for MA and PhD programs, Notting

Postgraduate Studentships 2008 for MA and PhD programmes

* Critical Theory* Cultural Studies* French and Francophone Studies* German Studies* Hispanic and Latin American Studies* Russian and Slavonic Studies (PhD; MA by Research (30,000word dissertation) ; also PG Language Diplomas in Serbian/Croatian, orSlovene (see attached flyer))

Applications are invited from highly qualified students who will applythrough the University of Nottingham for funding from the AHRC (homeand EU students) or ORS (overseas students). Fees paid at home/EUrate. Maintenance grant in line with the national level set by theAHRC, which for 07-08 are: MA ?8,800 & PhD ?12,600.

* Studentships closing date: 18 February 08* AHRC deadline for applications through School: 18 February 08* Interview date/School Postgraduate Advisory Day: 22 January 08* ORS deadline for applications via Nottingham: 29 February 08


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND INFORMAL ADVICE, PLEASE CONTACT ThePostgraduate and Research Team on 0115 8468269 or 0115 8468317E-mail: pg-modlangs@ nottingham.


Josephine de Kármán FellowshipSan Dimas, California, USFinaid: availableDate: one academic year: 2008-09Deadline: December 31, 2007Opento: Students in any discipline entering their senior undergraduate year or a PhD Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=150, us,sch

Scholarships in Business Administration, Art and Social ScienceSeoul, KoreaFinaid: full!Date: undefinedDeadline: 31 December 2007Opento: final year students (undergraduate)Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=59, other,sch

International Master's Scholarship for Academic Year 2008-2009Universitat Bern, SwitzerlandFinaid: availableDate: the academic year 2008-09Deadline: December 21, 2007 Opento: international graduate students Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=60, other,sch


CfA: PhD Scholarships in Civil Society and External Democratization

Europa-Universitä t Viadrina/ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichDie Heinrich-Böll- Stiftung schreibt in Kooperation mit derEuropa-Universitä t Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder und der EidgenössischenTechnischen Hochschule Zürich sechs

Promotionsstipendie nThema Zivilgesellschaft und externe Demokratisierung im postsozialistischenEuropa aus.

In dem interdisziplinä r ausgerichteten Kolleg werden Aktivitäten vonZivilgesellschaften in europäischen Post-Transformation sstaaten analysiert.Insbesondere wird die Frage nach den Wirkungen zivilgesellschaftli chenHandelns und seiner Interaktion mit externen Demokratisierungsbe mühungenerörtert.

Bewerbungsinformati onen unter: Studienwerk; weitere Auskünfteerteilen die Kollegleiter:

Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt, beichelt@euv- frankfurt- o.deProf. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig, frank.schimmelfenni g@eup.gess. ethz.chEuropa-Universitä t Viadrina/ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Frankfurt/Oder, ZürichBewerbungsschluss: 01.03.2008

(preluare balkans)

Sursa: Romstutyabroad


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